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Certified PPP Advocate

Certified PPP Advocate

You could be one if you attend three two-day or three-day modules organized by an accredited entity and pass an examination administered by this columnist. He owns the trademark in the Philippines.

Three modules. As designed, the first module is about the policy and legal aspects of public-private partnerships. The topics include the definitions, laws, regulations, value drivers, projects, modalities and procedures on PPP. The second touches on the technical, financial and environmental dimensions of PPP projects. At the third tier, the participants shall learn about PPP risks, and how to prepare terms of reference (TOR) and to draft PPP contracts.

THE five takeaways. At the end of the course, all participants shall have drafted five documents accomplished during the workshops, i.e., a term sheet for a PPP project and draft PPP policy or framework; an outline of a pre-feasibility for a PPP project; and an outline of a TOR and PPP contract term sheet.

Finals. The test shall cover all topics, be in objective and/or essay formats, and will either be administered online or held in a designated venue. Only those who will pass shall be given the title.

Participants. Anyone who wants to learn and be conferred the title can go through the ladderized program. Others may just want to attend the modules and not take the examination. The course is open to government officials and employees, lawyers, representatives of private sector proponents, planners, engineers, accountants and students.

Resource persons. Aside from your columnist, other experts and practitioners in their respective fields shall provide inputs and handle the workshops. Feasibility study- preparers, lawyers, urban planners, tax consultants and sectoral experts on water, solid-waste management, environment and real estate, among others, shall be tapped. Most of them are former government officials.

Learning providers. To date, this columnist has accredited two sets of institutions. The Local Gov­ernment Academy of the Department of the Interior and Local Government has already conducted eight modules for local governments, six module 1 and two module 2, and will hold its first module 3 by the end of June.

For the general public, Quantum Prisms Consulting Inc. and Center for Global Best Practices will be of­fering this three-tier program this year, possibly module 1 in September.

The other trademarks. This columnist owns another local PPP- related trademark—Certified PPP Practitioner. This is reserved, as envisioned, for those who have actually initiated, shepherded or actively participated in an awarded PPP project. The more established and internationally recognized ti­tle is conferred by the Institute for Public-Private Partnership, based in Virginia, USA. To be an IP3 Certified PPP Specialist, one has to complete 24 continuing education units. Your columnist went through this.

Disclosure. At the moment, this trademark, the modules and course are not sanctioned by the Civil Ser­vice Commission, Professional Regu­lation Commission, Department of Education, or any academic institu­tion or government agency.

Learning ecology. Whether sanctioned or not, what is important is the willingness to learn (and un­learn and relearn) and the firm com­mittment to pursue PPP projects that will benefit the people and serve the public good. Adding the title—Certi­fied PPP Advocate—in your profile, curriculum vitae and business card would be just a bonus (J).

Happy and purposeful learning everyone!

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